• Ex Anglican Church, Alassio, from February 19 to the 3rd of April, Nespocracy (mp)
  • Canton Museum, Lugano, Christian Stein Collection, A story of italian art. Film by Ugo Nespolo “Boettinblackandwhite” Boettinbianchenero, from March 12 to May 15 (mc)
  • Genus Gallery, S. Benedetto del Tronto, from the 2nd o the 30th of April, Marilyn -  a shattered dream (mp)
  • Close-up Livingallery, Lecce, from April 9 to May 18, The Merchant of dreams. Show (mc)
  • Art Gallery Theodora 2, Frascati, from the 16th of April to the 8th of May, Ugo Nespolo (mp)
  • International Turin Book Fair, from the 12th to the 16th of May, Nespolo Films & Vision, Minerva Rarovideo Editorial Group (c)
  • National Museum of Fine Arts of Havana, Havana Cuba, from the 19th of May to the 30th of June, A fine intollerance (mp)

Read the complete list of exhibitions

Legend: (mp) personal exhibitions; (mc) group exhibitions; (c)  cinema; (t) theatre; (o) opera; (m) music